

Three New Business Models to Achieve Carbon-Reduction Goals

利乐全球最大体育平台的罗德里戈·查帕罗, 高级气候顾问, 在2022年联合国气候变化大会(COP27)之前,研究了三种合作方法,以市场为基础实现净零排放。.


最近的 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report indicates that around 2,400 gigatons (Gt) of net CO2 emissions were generated globally from 1850 to 2019. More than 1,000 Gt (42 percent) occurred in the last 30 years.

如果我们想把全球变暖控制在1亿吨,我们只能在未来80年再承受500亿吨.到2100年5°C. 鉴于目前国家自主贡献(NDCs)中提出的减排承诺,这一目标似乎不太可能实现。.

Our best hope for deep 减排 lies with the energy sector. Cooperative Approaches provide a market-based path forward.

Countries must cut or eliminate fossil fuels, 采用低排放技术, transition to alternative energy sources, 优先考虑能源效率. 的y also will need new business models that support CO2 减少, 例如2021年联合国气候变化大会(COP26)确定的合作办法 第6条第2款 的 巴黎协定.

发达国家有兴趣利用合作办法获得补充的石油2 减排. 发展中国家将受益于接受技术援助和转让昂贵的先进技术,这将有助于它们实现其国家自主贡献中确定的有条件目标. 的 Cooperative Approaches provide a market-based path forward and can take many forms, including the three models outlined below.


日本制定了 联合信贷机制 (JCM), 根据第6条与发展中国家就温室气体减排和可持续发展进行合作的开创性项目选择. 日本与JCM下的17个伙伴国家合作,促进采用领先的低碳技术. 每个项目所产生的减排由伙伴国家和日本作为贡献进行评估,并产生可交易的信用.

Each country is committed to maintain a registry, 及时发放信用, 避免将联合治理缓解项目用于任何其他国际气候缓解机制,以避免重复计算. JCM的目标是达到累计减少1亿吨二氧化碳的温室气体排放2E到2030年.

Through the JCM, the Thai company, SNC Former Public Company Limited, installed 3.4 megawatts of rooftop solar at six factories that produce air-conditioning components. 这个项目 使用夏普能源解决方案生产的高耐久性晶体硅光伏组件, 比国际电工委员会的标准更严格的日本公司. 的 solar power displaces electricity generated by fossil fuel-based power plants, 有助于减少温室气体排放. 参与者共同建立项目产生的已核实信用的分配,并可将部分信用分配给各自的国家.

Japan’s Ministry 的 环境 partially supported the project in this case, aiming to understand the operational aspects 的 mechanism, acquire JCM credits toward Japan’s NDCs, and promote the transfer of low-carbon technologies. Both the Japanese 技术 manufacturer and the Thai company benefit, 创造温室气体净减排.

Most JCM projects involve renewable energy and energy efficiency, but there are also some waste-to-energy and transport projects. As more countries adopt Cooperative Approaches, 项目的多样性, 支架类型, and partnership models could extend to areas like electromobility, 绿色的氢, and advanced technologies where utilities can play an important role. 当前阶段是在发展中国家建设必要基础设施的关键,这样合作方法才能顺利运作.

Model 2—Utility-运输 Partnerships

这样的公司 埃奈尔X are leading partnerships using models that offer 融资, 智能充电解决方案, 绿色证书. 埃奈尔X’s successes include delivering six electro-terminals and 401 electric buses in Bogota, 哥伦比亚, 11个电端子, 40个智能公交站, 圣地亚哥有245个充电器, 智利.


该计划可以在全球或区域范围内使用,因为它的结构也是为了促进南南合作. 例如, 外国或地区公用事业公司可以与当地公共汽车特许经营公司签订合同,建造或资助可再生能源工厂,提供清洁电力和所需的充电基础设施. In exchange, the utility could receive a share 的 CO2 减排 associated with the project, which that utility’s country can use to meet NDC targets. 这种类型的协议还有助于分散项目风险,促进融资.

Model 3—Utility-Green 氢 Partnerships

的 hydrogen supply chain is key for developed economies in achieving decarbonization goals, especially in light 的 expected steady increase in carbon taxes. 绿色氢市场增长的驱动因素包括对化石燃料供应安全的担忧, 可再生能源成本的下降, and hydrogen’s ability to increase demand-side flexibility through storage applications. 市场预计将达到417美元.500万年 by 2028 from an estimated $223 million in 2022.

在发达经济体, 绿色氢可以在清洁能源转型中发挥作用,使可再生能源在电力部门的比例更高. It also supports sectors struggling to decarbonize, 比如卡车运输, 航空, 航运, 加热, 以及其他能源密集型产业. 在大多数发展中国家, 绿色的氢 is not seen as a competitive source of energy in the short term, but it can certainly become a valuable export.

A Cooperative Approach could be used to facilitate international deployment of 技术, bring concessional 气候融资 to investors, and structure the exchange of carbon credits.

Utilities also are exploring new international avenues with 绿色的氢. 的 Haru Oni 智利的试点项目将利用智利麦哲伦地区的强风生产绿色氢,用于制造出口的合成燃料. 这个项目 combines the experience of an Italian utility subsidiary of Siemens, 一家石油公司, 以及德国汽车制造商保时捷, which will use the fuel in its motorsports fleet. 可以采用合作办法促进在国际上部署德国生产的技术, bring concessional 气候融资 to the investors, and structure the exchange of carbon credits.

大部分CO2 减排 would be transferred to Germany. 智利不仅能从氢气出口中获益,还能从向电网引入更多可再生能源中获益.


作为脱碳的领导者, many power and utility companies are looking to reinvent themselves, experimenting with new business models that serve the energy transition and the bottom line. While the details of partnerships between sectors and countries are diverse, 有一个通用的线程规划, 创新, 以及国际合作. 合作办法还可以促进获得新技术,从而在这些倡议中发挥关键作用, 气候融资, 碳交易.

How can Tetra Tech help clients use Cooperative Approaches?

Tetra技术的 能源咨询 技术实施专家可以在以下领域为政府和私营部门客户提供支持.


  • Advise governments on regulations for energy projects under Cooperative Approaches and the Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM) (e.g., 项目的资格, 补偿机制, 融资, 监测与核查, 法律咨询)
  • 建立可通过合作方式和可持续发展机制市场在国际上进行碳补偿交易的清洁能源组合
  • 确保碳市场合规,最大限度地降低减排成本

Designing and implementing decarbonization pathways for utilities and private corporations

  • Analyze the market and identify low-carbon 融资 and investment opportunities
  • Deploy the 技术 necessary to carry out decarbonization strategies
  • Assess quality offsets that can supplement emission targets, with services including screening projects, performing financial and commercial due diligence, and negotiating with project developers





罗德里戈•查 is a sustainable energy and climate change specialist.

Rodrigo拥有超过20年的实施成本效益解决方案的经验,这些解决方案以最小的气候影响促进增长. He has deployed risk mitigation instruments for energy investments, 融资 mechanisms for decarbonization projects, and technical and policy solutions for renewable energy and energy efficiency applications.

Rodrigo has extensive experience managing major initiatives from international donors, 包括多边银行, 美国.S. government, 美国nited Nations, and Japanese and Danish aid agencies. 在美洲开发银行, 他领导实施了节能保险计划,并支持全球最大体育平台可持续运输和电池储能方面的新贷款和技术援助.

Rodrigo持有哥伦比亚国立大学化学工程学士和硕士学位. 他曾在哥伦比亚、德国和美国生活过,精通英语和西班牙语.
